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Grandinetti Engineering A Legacy Of Innovation And Excellence

Grandinetti Engineering: A Legacy of Innovation and Excellence

Origin and History

Established in 1988 in Turin, Northern Italy, Grandinetti SRL stands as a testament to Italian engineering excellence. With a heritage dating back to 1902, the company has made its mark in the automotive industry, design, and engineering.

Core Competencies

Grandinetti SRL specializes in the production of interior and exterior flooring, including graniglia, pastina di cemento, and mosaics. Its commitment to quality and innovation has earned it international recognition.

Modern-Day Grandinetti

Today, Grandinetti SRL continues to thrive as a leader in its field. Its state-of-the-art facilities and experienced team enable the company to deliver cutting-edge products and services.

With a strong presence on LinkedIn, Grandinetti SRL actively engages with its followers, showcasing its latest projects and industry insights.

A Lasting Legacy

GRANDINETTI SRL - TORINO TO STRADA DEL DROSSO 337 CAP 10135 - PEC is a company with a rich history and a bright future. Its unwavering pursuit of excellence and dedication to customer satisfaction will continue to inspire generations to come.
